April 25, 2016
On Gratitude
Welcome each day with a grateful heart.
It is gratitude that transforms moments into miracles.
It is gratitude that deepens the soul’s dance in this lifetime.
The dance with the magical and the mystical.

Allow gratitude to fill you up from the inside out – to permeate all that you do and all that you are. Allow it infuse your every breath, and be present in the spaces between the silence. Come back to gratitude, when you do not know where to turn or where to go. Come back to gratitude. Gratitude for even the simplest of things can change your life in the most beautiful of ways.
Take a moment to be grateful for the stars that shine amidst the darkness, knowing that you, too, are stardust. Be grateful for the pillow to lay your head upon when your body needs rest; for the clothes you have to drape around you; for the glass of water to quench your thirst; for the birds who will always serenade you with their sweet songs. Look into the faces of strangers and smile with an open heart, for they too are on a journey. Take a moment to really ponder on the fact that you are alive on this beautiful planet that exists in a galaxy amongst billions of other galaxies. That in itself is the greatest miracle. Every day should be a celebration of this. Honour it with gratitude.

It is a grateful heart that turns what you have into enough. That will allow you to keep going today, until tomorrow. And when tomorrow comes, there will be more opportunities to be grateful for the simple moments of beauty and the small happinesses that surround you.
But for now, simply be present to all that is.
That is enough. That is more than enough. For there is beauty everywhere, and there is love everywhere. And it is this beauty and this love that will nourish your soul, even if you can’t see it right now. Soon, though, feeling gratitude for all the moments that surround you will happen more frequently, and come naturally. Every moment will become a blessing in some form, as you open yourself up to the world.
Seeing everything as a Gift and coming back to gratitude, in every experience and encounter throughout this incredible yet fleeting lifetime, will transform your life into one of grace and possibility. One of beauty and adventure. Your spirit will become stronger, and your light will shine brighter.

And when you move from a place of gratitude, your presence will move others.